Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Good-bye is not forever

This past week in my village has been really special. It gave me time to think and appreciate everything around me. The birds songs sounded stronger, the wind and sun felt more noticeable on my skin, even the rooster that I've been so rudely awakened by on countless mornings seemed to turn a corner. The good-byes to my host family and friends were difficult but so meaningful and I'm glad I had the opportunity to come back one last time. I changed my mind so many times during my trip to Livingstone. But after being at Victoria Falls the decision to come home just felt right. Standing next to such a powerful and extraordinary site helped to clear my mind. Maybe the rushing water drowned my doubts.

Everything in life has its purpose and leads you where you should go. I have the direction I was looking for when I first came to Zambia. I know who and what is important. I know I want to continue with this type of work from America. I'm still going to see the school we started fundraising for completed. I WILL be back some day because this village and its people are holding a piece of me. They asked me when I left not to forget them; that wouldn't be possible.

This week I've taken so many photos and video. It will give you at home a glimpse but not the true feeling for what life is like in Zambia. Someday, I hope to come back to Chibobo and show you in person.... The photos and video are nice but all the special moments that have made up my journey will only be mine. I've been able to share the joy of a newly born baby and the grief when someone passes. Not that I haven't experienced these things in America but its just different here...... I can't explain it….?

One of my best memories happened just last night on my last day in the village. After dinner at the orphanage, I brought out all the art supplies that people have sent to me, t-shirts & paint, markers, coloring books, crayons, beads, and more. The group of us, about 60 total, just sat on the floor and played. Some of these kids never get to play with items like this and to see their faces light up and forget they've lost their parents and that life is hard....was so nice!

I'll be making my way to Lusaka tomorrow. It's a 5-6hr drive if I have good luck with transportation. When I get there I'll board Jazzy with the vet and start the medical clearance process on Friday. If all goes well, we'll be on a plane one week from today! I'm looking forward to being home for good. My time here has been great but I have a newly found appreciation for "HOME"! That's not really a place, but it's the people I miss. I wish I could have brought you all with me. If everyone could experience what I have, the world would be a much different place. So until then, I'll just try to relay the message as best I can :)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Help Jazzy Come to America!

Hello everyone,

I've set up a fundrazr account to try and get donations to bring my zambian dog home. Jazzy was abused as a puppy and likely would not have survived on her own without the support of PC volunteers. Now I'd like to bring her back to America with me so she can stay in the loving home that she is now used to.

I'm working with a local area Veterinarian to get Jazzy a cage, import documents, and a plane ticket home.
Please check out this fund and spread the word.

Thank you so much!


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Back to America

After one year as a PCV in Zambia it's time for me to go home to America. I have been so blessed for the opportunity to be here and experience this culture. I've made so many wonderful friends both in PC and in my village. It will be so difficult to leave them but I know I'll always have a connection to Zambia and the people I've met. I hope to continue this work once I return. With luck I can partner with the Help Ministry Orphanage, the schools, and the hard working women's groups I've met.

The next few weeks will be filled with tears and goodbyes but it wont be forever. I'll see Zambia again because this is such a wonderful and amazing country.

The next challenge is to get my puppy dog Jazzy back with me. She has been such a great companion to me here and I can't imagine her not having the love and affection she is now used to. I've started looking into ways to take her with me. I've even sent a letter to the ASPCA asking them for help. It might be a long shot but I have hope that someone will take note.

I'll keep updating on the events of the next couple of weeks and with any luck mine and Jazzy's feet/paws will set down on American soil very soon!!!